2024 臺北公開活動 | Public program in Taipei
A Friend of a Friend: Connections across Taiwan & Southeast Asia
展覽 | Exhibition | 東南亞文化市集 | SEA Cultural Market
創意手作工作坊 | Creative craft workshops | 講座 | Talk
自 / from: 12月12日(2024年) | 至 / until 12月17日(2024年) @

簡介 | About
2024年12月,湄公河文化中心(Mekong Cultural Hub, MCH)策劃辦理了為期 6 天的計畫,透過這個公開活動的舉辦,慶祝臺灣與東南亞之間的許多文化和創意的交流和串連。獲得許多臺灣學員、臺灣夥伴單位、臺灣媒體朋友和部分來自東南亞的夥伴單位代表共襄盛舉;讓老朋友們再度相聚,認識更多的新朋友們,一起串連起更廣闊的連結。
主題展覽《朋友的朋友》在華山 1914 文創園區的拱廳,連續六天的展期;來看展的朋友們除了觀看展覽,也愉快地體驗共創《網絡:當我們同在一起》作品,展期間在會場,我們也邀請朋友們坐下來聊聊,喝杯來自緬甸、越南及柬埔寨的茶。
週六的東南亞文化市集,YOUNGA洋嘎、Chimmuwa這兩個臺灣夥伴單位,帶來他們和寮國及泰緬邊境的社會企業單位和婦女們合作的天然織染作品,邊境行動帶來了他們在泰緬邊境的教育服務經驗、為大家規劃的「一生至少去一次的泰緬邊境旅行」和當地朋友的手作品,而只借不賣的東南亞書店燦爛時光書店這次將行動圖書館帶到華山,臺灣第一家的Jamu (ㄐ一ㄚˇㄇㄨˋ) 店 Day Day Jamu,帶來來自赤道草本植物的三種創新口味的印尼Jamu茶,來自柬埔寨的法爾社會企業(Phare Performing Social Enterprise),為這次活動所精選的設計品充滿柬埔寨文化與常民生活的趣味、融入創新理念而設計與製作的獨特手工藝品,真的是場「好玩、好看、好買、好喝、好讀、好有意義」的文化市集。
創意手作的體驗工作坊,由來自緬甸的紙藝術家Zun Ei Phyu(ဇွန်အိဖြူ),帶領民眾體驗玩紙的樂趣,介紹緬甸的文化,工作坊的時光中也讓不認識彼此的學員,聊起天,也幫助彼此如何摺出好作品;來自柬埔寨、移居臺灣二十年的柬埔寨語及文化講師孫雅雯(សុខុម) 帶來的柬埔寨手作童玩,也在柬埔寨孩童的童年文化和手作創意中,讓大家輕鬆愉快的接觸不同的東南亞文化和日常。
This 6-day program of activities was organised by Mekong Cultural Hub in celebration of the many cultural and creative connections between Taiwan and Southeast Asia. The program recognised the deep and long-term impact of growing our networks through friendship. Ground-up connections between people lead to all sorts of surprising and delightful opportunities and experiences, that give us hope and courage to try new things and to feel part of a wider community.
The program’s mainstay was the exhibition A Friend of a Friend , which was open from 11am -6pm every day in M3 Sake Factory 2F room of Huashan 1914 Creative Park. As well as looking at work on display, visitors were invited to add to the participatory weaving project, and to sit down and drink tea with our team. Over the weekend we hosted a cultural market on Saturday, with stalls showcasing and selling weaving and dyeing products, books, tea and other items. On Sunday we ran four highly enjoyable creative workshops with a paper cutting artist from Myanmar and a teacher from Cambodia, and all participants had the chance to make something and take it home with them. All the events were free of charge, thanks to the support of our event sponsor Ministry of Culture Taiwan, and the generous efforts of the artists and partners involved.
相關活動 | Events & Activities
Click on the information below to find out more detail about the events and activities that will be happening during the program
展覽 | Exhibition (2024年12月12-17日)
創意手作工作坊 | Creative craft workshops (2024年12月15日)
講座 | Talk (2024年12月13日)(講座以英文進行)
東南亞文化市集 | SEA Cultural Market (2024年12月14日)
夥伴活動 | Partner Event
Click on the information below to find out more detail about the events and activities that will be happening during the program
夥伴單位及贊助單位 | Partners & Supporters
This program was made possible thanks to support of organisations and individuals including: