Dian Ika Gesuri (Dian)

Dian Ika Gesuri is an Indonesian independent researcher and consultant who works to optimise the potential of arts and culture to stimulate human awareness and consciousness in manifesting a just and sustainable world-making. Experienced in working within the framework of sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at national and international organisations across Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Europe, her competencies lay in acute observation of the current state of society and their underlying belief systems; strategic project planning, coordination, and implementation; as well as multi-stakeholders facilitation. Her educational background and diverse experiences, both at top-down and bottom-up levels, in the nexus of arts, culture, and development have lent her the tools for a more holistic and human-centric approach to the projects she handles.
For more information to Dian's work: please visit: https://www.linkedin. com/feed/update/urn:li: activity:6975042223004418048/
For more information to Dian's work: please visit: https://www.linkedin.