Mekong Cultural Hub

Frances Rudgard (Frances)

Artist mobility, Artistic freedoms, Arts Management, Cultural policy
Arts Manager/ Administrator
Capacity building for arts sector, Healing / Wellbeing, Intercultural Exchange, Network finding for emerging artists, Practice-based Research, Rights, Social Justice, Sustainable Development
Frances is the Director of Mekong Cultural Hub, as well as working with MCH's affiliated organisations Living Arts International, and Cambodian Living Arts. Her role covers strategy, programming, partnerships, finance and organisational development. She has been working in the culture and arts sector in Asia since 2011, and is motivated by her personal and professional experiences witnessing arts transforming individuals and communities. Her objective is to serve artists and cultural organisations by supporting them to access support, networks and resources both through direct initiatives of MCH, LAI and CLA or through working towards systemic and policy shifts. She would like to see culture and arts increasingly recognised for the role it plays in civil society in Asia, and is committed to building partnerships with people and organisations from other sectors who are interested in the challenge of finding new ways to work together using culture and creativity as strategic approaches towards common visions for change.

Prior to joining LAI, Frances worked for a social enterprise providing low-cost consultancy services to grassroots NGOs in Cambodia, which is how she first connected with Cambodian Living Arts and ended up joining the team. She lived in Phnom Penh for nearly 10 years before returning to the UK in 2019 to be closer to family. She serves on the Board of SAVVY Theatre, an inclusive theatre company based in Croydon, UK and is currently training to be an IFC certified coach.
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