Ping-Chi Hung (Iris)

Arts diffusion, Capacity building for arts sector, Community Development, Culture and arts promotion, Environment, Food Culture
TASA (Taiwan Art Space Alliance), Mutualism
Iris Ping-Chi Hung is an independent curator and art coordinator based in Taiwan. She holds a MA in Culture Industry from Goldsmiths, University of London, focusing on the role of pop-up culture in gentrified areas. After managing Bamboo Curtain Studio and Taipei Brick House, she is currently the president of Taiwan Art Space Alliance, as well as the cofounder of the curatorial team Mutualism. Furthermore, she works as a Project Manager for Crypto AIR (hosted by Taipei Artist Village) and the Meeting Point conference 2022 (hosted by Mekong Cultural Hub). Her practice explores the supporting system in the arts, cross-disciplinary collaborations, international exchanges and local connections.