(Lawrence Zi-Qiao Yang 楊子樵)

楊子樵,柏克萊加州大學東亞系博士,曾任哈佛大學費正清中國研究中心研究員,現任國立陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所助理教授。研究興趣為電影與媒介研究、中港臺冷戰政治宣傳、基礎設施之文化批判。另一發展中之計畫則以中國「一帶一路」及「東南亞國協自貿區 」兩大全球供應鏈熱區為背景,檢視中國及東協國家自2010以降,影音媒體中對於地緣政治之想像與再現。其研究及出版曾獲美國傅爾布萊特(The Fulbright Program)及梅隆基金會(Mellon Foundation)獎助。發表著作散見於Modern Chinese Literature and Culture、symplokē、Room One Thousand、《中外文學》等刊物。
Lawrence Zi-Qiao Yang is an Assistant Professor in the Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming-Chiao Tung University. Previously a Research Fellow at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University, Yang received his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley with certificates in Film & Media Studies and Critical Theory. His research focuses on propaganda media industries and aesthetics in modern China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. His broader research interests cover war and militarism, theories of materialism, and the intersecting industrial-technological histories of cinema, architecture, and urban infrastructure. At NCTU, he is developing a new project on China’s Belt and Road Initiative propaganda and its influences on the media production of South East Asia after the 2010s. Yang is currently completing a book manuscript titled Speculative Statecraft: Logistical Media and the Culture of Chinese Cold War.
Lawrence Zi-Qiao Yang is an Assistant Professor in the Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming-Chiao Tung University. Previously a Research Fellow at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University, Yang received his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley with certificates in Film & Media Studies and Critical Theory. His research focuses on propaganda media industries and aesthetics in modern China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. His broader research interests cover war and militarism, theories of materialism, and the intersecting industrial-technological histories of cinema, architecture, and urban infrastructure. At NCTU, he is developing a new project on China’s Belt and Road Initiative propaganda and its influences on the media production of South East Asia after the 2010s. Yang is currently completing a book manuscript titled Speculative Statecraft: Logistical Media and the Culture of Chinese Cold War.