Bui Duy Thanh Mai (Mai)

Capacity building for arts sector, Disability/ inclusion, Gender, inequality and trauma related issues, Migration
Co-founder of Bóc hành https://www.facebook.com/tuvanbochanh and Tan ca thôi! https://www.facebook.com/tancathoi
Mai has been an active participant of grass roots community in Vietnam since 2012. She graduated with degrees in Philosophy, Education and Asian studies at Union College (New York). Over the past decade, she has consulted and designed the interactive and inclusive aspects for social and educational programs. Throughout her works, she practices inquiry method to coach teachers, parents, children and social organizers to explore and analyze their community issues. Gender and cultural issues are among her greatest concerns that she brings into any projects she works with.
In 2020, she initiated bóc-hành collective (unlayering-the-onion), a space in which members together explores social underlying issues. Past projects includes curating an interactive exhibition on sexual traumas, and bringing together series of anthology, where office workers share oftenly dismissed stories, poems, and insights on their working conditions.
She is mainly based in Hanoi but also travels around the Southeast Asia region to explore and exchange learning with like-minded collectives. Besides works, she finds immense joy in exploring the philosophy of the ordinary.
In 2020, she initiated bóc-hành collective (unlayering-the-onion), a space in which members together explores social underlying issues. Past projects includes curating an interactive exhibition on sexual traumas, and bringing together series of anthology, where office workers share oftenly dismissed stories, poems, and insights on their working conditions.
She is mainly based in Hanoi but also travels around the Southeast Asia region to explore and exchange learning with like-minded collectives. Besides works, she finds immense joy in exploring the philosophy of the ordinary.