(Nobuo Takamori 高森信男)

Outsiders Factory
獨立策展人、策展團體「奧賽德工廠」廠長;近年重要策畫展覽包括2011年「後態度:台灣年輕當代藝術家聯展」(墨西哥城Ex Teresa Arte Actual)、2012年「南國.國南:台越藝術家交流計畫」(胡志明市Zero Station、台南齁空間)、2014年臺灣國際錄影藝術展「鬼魂的迴返」(臺北鳳甲美術館)、2018年「Is/In Land:台蒙當代藝術游牧計畫」(烏蘭巴托976 Art Space及臺北關渡美術館)及2020年「秘密南方:典藏作品中的冷戰視角及全球南方」(北美館)等。
Independent curator; Director of “Outsiders Factory,” a curators collective. Selected important exhibitions and curatorial works include “Post-Actitud” (2011, Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Mexico DF), “South country, South of Country” (2012, Zero Station, Ho Chi Minh City & Howl Space, Tainan), “The Lost Garden” (2014, Eslite Gallery, Taipei), Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition 2014 “The Return of Ghosts” (Hong Gah Museum, Taipei), “Is/In-Land: Mongolian Taiwanese Contemporary Art Exchange Project” (2018, 976 Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei), “The Middleman, the Backpacker, the Alien Species and the Time Traveler” (2019, TKG+, Taipei).
Independent curator; Director of “Outsiders Factory,” a curators collective. Selected important exhibitions and curatorial works include “Post-Actitud” (2011, Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Mexico DF), “South country, South of Country” (2012, Zero Station, Ho Chi Minh City & Howl Space, Tainan), “The Lost Garden” (2014, Eslite Gallery, Taipei), Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition 2014 “The Return of Ghosts” (Hong Gah Museum, Taipei), “Is/In-Land: Mongolian Taiwanese Contemporary Art Exchange Project” (2018, 976 Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei), “The Middleman, the Backpacker, the Alien Species and the Time Traveler” (2019, TKG+, Taipei).