Mekong Cultural Hub

Professional Exchange 2024

MCH’s Professional Exchange Program is designed to support arts and cultural workers (including artists) from Asia to have the chance for a multi-week exchange program in another Asian country, hosted by an individual or an organisation who has the right skills and experience to help them develop their personal and professional goals.

The 2024 Professional Exchange Program has invited three arts and cultural workers from Myanmar for a three months exchange program in Indonesia, Cambodia and Taiwan. MCH works with both artists and their hosts to establish the goals for each artist to explore and exchange during their placements. MCH also facilitates coordination, logistics of the exchange and support the exchange as needed.

The 2024 Professional Exchange program is divided into two stages:

● The fellows have considered objectives they want to explore for their professional and personal developments through the exchange before the program starts.
● Settling in the first 2 weeks: after they have arrived the city of their placements, the fellows settle in the city they visit and stay, get to know more about the environment, the neighborhood, the local culture and life, and the local arts and cultural community and spaces.
● In the week 3: the fellows, the hosts, and MCH come together to discuss if the fellows have some thoughts on how they plan to use the rest of the time of the exchange, which the host and MCH could share information, networks and advice in response to the fellows’ plans.
● With weekly and monthly catchups, the fellows, the hosts and MCH could work together to support the exchange the fellows plan and navigate during the placements.

The Program is implemented in collaboration with host organisations Treasure Hill Artist Village (THAV), OCAC (Taiwan), Shin Leh Yuan Art Space (Taiwan), Rujak Center for Urban Studies (Indonesia) and CICADA (Cambodia). 


Activity Gallery

(Photos provided by ផ្ទះ បុស្បា BOSSBHA’s House, RUJAK, and THAV)

Photos provided by ផ្ទះ បុស្បា BOSSBHA's House

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